The Blissometer Journey Map

How do you reach blissful living?
Finding bliss, living a blissful life, and remaining blissful forever -- are common aspirations in life.
The Blissometer Journey provides a simplified framework modeled after Joseph Campbell's hero journey to help you attain a more blissful life. Click here to find out more about this framework.
Each if the five stages in the Blissometer Journey includes a mix of pre-recorded videos, downloadable self-guided exercises, podcasts and other valuable resources assembled from a wide variety of subject matter experts.
What if I told you there is a way to get to help you find lasting happiness, otherwise known as bliss?
Starting in Stage 1 is a great place to begin. Or you can customize your journey with your choice of content from any of the five journey stages to uncover and create new habits, practices and neural pathways to help you achieve greater Bliss in your life.
Read more below to learn what is covered in each stage of the Blissometer journey. Subscription plans range from $19.99 to $34.99 and can be found here.
The Blissometer Journey Stages
Creating Your Roadmap to Bliss
Having the courage to create your own roadmap to Bliss is the first step in your journey.
We encourage you to start here and lay the foundation for your path to Bliss.
Clearing The Clutter on Your Path to Bliss
Following your bliss isn't always a straightforward path.
You may come across detours, roadblocks and haze along the way. This stage will help you overcome those barriers and clear the clutter on the road ahead.
Building Your Awareness of Bliss
Many people have glimpses of Bliss in their lives.
As the path to Bliss becomes more clear, there is an opportunity to expand the lens of how Bliss is showing up in our daily life.
Experiencing the Shift into Bliss
Being happy and experiencing joy on a more regular basis is a natural result of following your bliss.
But what if your path could get bigger and better, serving not just you but those around you.
Basking in
the Bliss
The final stage of the Blissometer Journey may be just the beginning.
When we pursue a path to Bliss, we gain new information and perspectives that may require us to adjust our vision for our final destination.
While we think Creating Your Roadmap to Bliss is a great place for everyone to start, join the Bliss Journey Stage that resonates most with you. You can always go back or relisten to any of the micro sessions or podcasts that appeal to you.