Many individuals have had glimpses of bliss in your life. Who hasn't at some moment in their life felt new heights of love, compassion, inspiration, beauty, or joy? Moments of bliss are occasions when things feel perfect, joyful, peaceful, or fulfilling. They can be significant or insignificant events, such as receiving unexpected money when it was most needed, spotting a red cardinal in the window as the spring snow is melting, or experiencing the birth of a child. An individual's definition of bliss is entirely subjective. However, we hardly ever plan for or control these glimmers in our daily lives. This explains why it is so difficult for us to think that significant or insignificant occurrences could be anything other than coincidence. And occasionally, the bad parts of our day outweigh the blissful parts. We may begin to take the little things in life for granted, and our perspective reverts to what is comfortable, predictable, tried and true. But we can strengthen our Bliss muscles and enhance the frequency of Bliss occurring in our lives by learning how to better follow our intuition and cultivate our awareness of Bliss. It should come as no surprise that those who become more aware of Bliss in their lives report happier emotions and higher levels of life satisfaction. Stage 3 Micro-sessions are geared toward broadening the lens through which you view how Bliss is manifesting in your life. In this stage, you can choose from 5 micro-sessions, as well as optional podcasts and guided meditations curated for this stage. Each month, more will be added. It can take up to 30 minutes to watch the videos and finish the exercises in each micro-session How often you intend to download and view the micro sessions will determine how long it takes you to finish each stage. Select the subscription plan that best fits with how quickly or slowly you wish to complete the micro-sessions at this stage. Continue reading for more information on the micro-sessions in this phase.

Get started with packages ranging
from $9.99 - $34.99
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Go to My Bliss Journey to access the micro-courses below.
How do you know when you’re being the best leader (of your team, or your life etc.) you can be? Often we are making the biggest impact when we are entirely ourselves. It feels good – it can even feel like BLISS. Listen in and learn as Heidi Kraft shares how you can tap into the Enneagram to help you on your leadership journey.
Check out some of the addItional podcasts we have selected for you to assist you in Building Your Awareness of Bliss. Topics include Opening Your Heart, Receptivity and Self-Love, The Neuroscience of Happiness and Achieving Bliss Brain, and Leading with Humanity.Consume as much or as little as you like.
For now, these are third party podcasts offered on Spotify and will soon be replaced by the Blissometer Podcast sessions in Fall 2022. You may need your own Spotify subscription to access. Consume as much or as little as you would like.
Check out our selection of third party guided meditations on Building Your Awareness of Bliss in your life. Sessions include: Self Soothing Exercises for Self-Compassion.
These are third party sessions we have curated for you while we decide if custom Blissometer Guided Meditations will be pursued in 2023.
We will be evaluating interest in creating our own guided meditations in Fall 2022 based on your interest in these proxy sessions.