It's not always easy to follow your roadmap to bliss. It could also feel a little overwhelming. Detours are common, and sometimes there are even barriers. Recognizing these psychological, emotional, and physical limitations to acquire direction and momentum on your path to bliss is essential. The micro-courses in this stage will assist you in breaking down some of those obstacles and give you the confidence to continue on your path to bliss in mind, body, and soul. The last micro session will assist you in reflecting on what you've learned from each coach and develop a workable action plan to Clear Your Path to Bliss In this stage, you can choose from 5 micro-sessions, as well as optional podcasts and guided meditations curated for this stage. Each month, more will be added. It can take up to 30 minutes to watch the videos and finish the exercises in each micro-session How often you intend to download and view the micro sessions will determine how long it takes you to finish each stage. Select the subscription plan that best fits with how quickly or slowly you wish to complete the micro-sessions

Get started with packages ranging
from $9.99 - $34.99
Already a subscriber?
Go to My Bliss Journey to access the micro-courses below.
Create and Clear Your Clutter List
Trauma Traps & the Path to Freedom
TBD - Coming in October 2022
Additional Podcasts
Check out additional podcasts we have curated for you to help you create your roadmap to Bliss. These are third party podcasts for now and will soon be replaced by the Blissometer Podcast sessions in Fall 2022. Topics include Forgiveness, Setting Boundaries and Letting Go.
For now, these are third party podcasts offered on Spotify and will soon be replaced by the Blissometer Podcast sessions in Fall 2022. You may need your own Spotify subscription to access. Consume as much or as little as you would like.
Guided Meditations
Check out our selection of guided meditations on Clearing The Clutter on Your Path to Bliss. Sessions include: Letting Go, Letting Be
These are third party sessions we have curated for you while we decide if custom Blissometer Guided Meditations will be pursued in 2023. Sessions include: Intention Setting: Morning Meditation