Video Content Guidelines
Some Tips and Tricks we've learned from Blissometer Coaches in 2022
Flow / Content Suggestions:
We know that making a video Micro-Course can feel a bit intimidating. So we have created some guidelines to help you be the best you can be at delivering your Blissometer Micro-Course.
These tips and tricks come from personal experience, observation, and summarizing tips by e-course experts. Please feel free to share other learnings back with Heidi and we will add them to the below.
The most important thing to remember is BE YOURSELF!
1. Catch them in the first 30 seconds
These days, people are conditioned to swipe right quickly. Just like an article, a book, or even a movie…you need to hook your audience within the first few seconds of your interaction with them. What would you want someone to say to you to get them interested in your topic? Chances are…it’s not your Bio.
It could be a question you pose, a scenario you describe, or even a challenge we face in society. The reaction you are looking for is a firm head nod…if you can visualize them nodding…then you are onto something.
2. Tell them why listening to your session is worth their time and make it easy for them to follow
People want to know why listening to your session is worth their time. Clearly articulating what they are going to learn shortly after your intro will help keep them engaged. Consider showing a slide with these learning objectives that is consistent with your session description. Then design the flow of your presentation around the order of these learning objectives.

3. Help them see this is a course for them
Remind them of who the course is targeted to by giving use case examples in the beginning of your presentation.

4. Keep it Interactive
Pretend you are talking to a live audience. Ask them to refer to the ebook, workbook or ask them to write down answers to your questions to help them relate their own experiences to what you are teaching. Ask them to put the video on Pause when having them write down answers to questions. Consider showing a slide that says “Put Video on Pause Now” with the question so that they know what to do if they are multi-tasking.

Reinforce the key benefits at the end
At the end of your presentation, leave them with your top 5 Key Takeaways. Put this on a slide. This helps reinforce the value you have delivered to them.

4. Do they learn by sight or sound?
Accommodate different learning styles: Some people learn by reading text, others are more visual. Consider including a variety of text, pictures, diagrams, or other media to amplify and clarify your content. I would recommend using at least a few slides to communicate learning objectives and key takeaways at a minimum. Some other creative examples below:
Blissometer's Laura Flessner uses a physical whiteboard in her Tackling Time micro-course.
Blissometer's Campbell Macpherson uses a clear whiteboard in his Embracing Change micro-course.
5. Don't hide behind your slides
It is really tempting to let your slides do the talking for you. But people want to see you! They will relate better to your content if they see a human behind the voice. There are several ways you can do this. See options below.
Zoom Recording Option
Zoom is probably the easiest option for beginners. You can record a meeting and share your screen (powerpoint or google slides) at the appropriate time and your picture will shrink to the top right hand corner of your screen. Watch Jennifer Deane's Session on Empowering Teens to Find their Inner GPS as a good example.
Canva / Vimeo
If you are a subscriber to Canva or Vimeo- you can choose additional effects and templates to add to your presentation. Working with Canva or Vimeo allows you to do a bit more trimming and editing your videos if you feel like you will want to record and splice different parts of your presentation together. Watch one of Teresa Lodato's three sessions to see Canva in action. Vimeo has been used to create the Blissometer Social Media Bliss Bytes as well.
If you subscribe to Prezi - you likely already know how to do this. But watch one of Heidi Dickert's micro-session to see an example of how this looks.
Embedded Video into Recording
Watch Sumita Vasudeva's s 3-Day Cleanse micro-session here to see an example. This does require a bit more technical editing.
8. Reuse existing content
A few of our coaches have embedded snippets from existing training they have done elsewhere into their micro-course. You will still need to add a beginning and end to introduce your course, material, downloadable worksheet, and relationship to Blissometer. However this is a great alternative for leveraging existing videos you have already created. Check out these two sessions where this technique is used:
Blissometer's Laura Flessner - Tackling Time micro-course.
Blissometer's Campbell Macpherson - Embracing Change micro-course.
9. Be Authentic but not Boastful
People are more likely to learn from people they find relatable. It may be tempting to share your successes to help ease your own nerves, but too much could put your credibility at risk.
10. Leave the Pitch for the Sales Reel
If you start pitching your coaching services, e-course or extended program in your session - people will question your motive and material. One of the reasons why people like the Blissometer model is that it DOESN’T feel like a bait and switch or an upsell tactic. Think about how you would feel if you were in their shoes. You will have the opportunity to create a separate 2–3-minute sales video (see here) to let people know how they can work with you further. As well as create a separate “sales sheet” if desired. To see how this is incorporated into the microcourse - check out this example below.