Sales Reel & PDF
See Guidelines and Examples Below
Why Do a Sales Reel?
The bounce rate increases substantially when customers are asked to go to another website of unknown coaches. To reduce this fallout, we have built initial coaching packages on Blissometer. After initial purchase - any future revenue is 100% your revenue / responsibility
Please work with Heidi to identify the right package for your business. You will receive 90% of the revenue generated through these sales within 7 days of the sale after proof of delivery to customer can be validated.
Blissometer will send an email asking customer to confirm they have received the services purchased from the coach directly before issuing payment. Customers are allowed to request a refund on Blissometer for unrendered services up to 7 days after purchase.
10% of net proceeds (Gross – Taxes/Processing Fees) goes to cover Blissometer custom build out for your program being listed, etc. Coaches can pick and choose which of the following offers they want to be listed as offering.
Provide a general description of the items below and introduce the services you offer. Click on the text box to edit the content.

Keep it short, sweet and Authentic
You've gotten their interest now...don't lose it. Stay in tone with your Microcourse persona and be helpful not salesy.
They would not have clicked on the link to find out more if they didn't want to do more. So avoid the "hard sell".

The bounce rate increases substantially when customers are asked to go to another website of unknown coaches. To reduce this fallout, we have built initial coaching packages on Blissometer.

Provide a Leave Behind
Provide a 1-page PDF with options articulated including Blissometer packages (see below), Images of your book cover, your website, etc. Here is an example we can modify for you with Blissometer branding. Or you can create your own like Lisa Harris did here.